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  • Writer's pictureV. Sanz

Instant Relevance: Cotton Candy Sky

Updated: Apr 17, 2019

I am not a morning person. I struggle everyday to wake up; coffee and music help a little on my commute. Highway I-30 is busy in the morning, KXT , my local radio station, is the soundtrack as I drive towards Mesquite... and it never fails, suddenly the sun will rises and colors the clouds with all shades of orange, pink and violet. I'm in awe, Texas has beautiful skies. 🌅 I decided to use my sunrise experience for our Circle Time, I asked my students to draw and color in their reflection journal something that inspires them. They were surprised, because sadly is not often that I asked them to just draw. They drew a variety of things a soccer field, a puppy, a little brother, many video games. I noticed how many of them just did stick figures and didn't color, but a handful took their time to draw, specially one girl who created a detailed little vignette of a girl and a dog.

We took turns sharing our drawings, explaining why it inspired us. It was very insightful, not just because I got see a different side of my students, but also how much we need this kind of expression. We closed the circle with the goal to be aware for future inspiration this week.

Cotton Candy Skies, promise of a bright and warm day. #mesqir2019 #makeitreal #writing #art

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