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  • Writer's pictureV. Sanz

North Pole Postal Service 📦📮🎄

Input and Output tables and numerical expressions seem a little abstract for students, every time we can give them the opportunity to exercise those skills in a concrete experience it helps deepen their understanding.

The scenario was helping Santa packing the toys in time for Christmas. There were 3 packaging stations. Students had to:

- match the correct rule (expressed as equations) with the table,

- identify the correct rule description (expressed in words) for different items

- infer the rule to complete the table missing boxes

I have done this activity previously, so I could anticipate what difficulties they would encounter. When they have to express a rule as an equation, students often mistake the relationship and can't state the reverse rule. This year, we emphasized writing the rules as equations in both formats, and it was noticeable students struggled less. This also impacted when solving expressions with words, students rewrote them as equations and were able to identify them correctly. I am glad that making those adjustments and teaching explicitly these techniques allowed them to solve the problems.

Students/elves worked in pairs to solve the problems, the Supervisor (AKA teacher) would sign their work order before they move to the next station. Students were engaged and worked at their own pace. Since they started at different stations, I was able to assist the ones who needed assistance. All of them persevered and were able to demonstrate their knowledge. Just a little twist to let


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